Friday, 9 September 2016

Wall to Wall Day 1; 9 September 2016

Goodbye Perth, and the awesome people we have met here, ;
  • The Bilic's that we stayed with, were amazing, and made us feel like part of the family.

  • Sandra's amazing support crew, for giving her bike a great clean. It's never looked so good.

  • Sam the Scooter Man, thank you so much for your time, and coffee, and stories, which kept us entertained, while you worked on Marica's Vespa
  • The Guys from Causeway Kawasaki, for taking time to do a last minute chain tightening for Sandra's Bike, at no charge.
  • Curtin Primary school, for having us there to do a Show and Tell.
  • Every one else that we came across and met

Well day one of our return trip is finished. Over 740 km and about 10 and a half hours later, we are in Norseman for the night. At the end of this days riding, both Marica and Sandra were given a fine, for actually being closer to home than when we started at Perth HQ. May have been a bit unfair, but these things happen. It all goes to a good cause in the end, and we can (and will be) fining others along the way.

The next leg of our trip will be a retrace of the rout that we did on our way here.

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