Not completely our fault was it Kay, but we'll get to that later.
Woke up in Adelaide, with the luxury of in slab heating in the bathroom. A lovely hot shower, and HUGE soft fluffy towels. Camping is lovely, but being spoilt is awesome.
Slow relaxing start to the day, caught up with Ritchie, our favourite mixologist, for a quick coffee, and 3 hours later after a quick repair to Marica's side view mirror we were heading off. But not before introducing Jerry to Ritchie Jerry was left sitting outside Ritchies house this whole time, waiting for Marica to return.
Marica has become quite attached to Jerry in the past couple of days, to the point that Sandra has to give them time alone on many occasions. He has become Marica's bestie, her constant companion, even her security blanket. Sandra does often feel like the third wheel in this trip, so much so, that Sandra actually sang to Marica, through the intercom, the following song. (come on sing it with me, you all know how it goes);
Marica and Jerry, sitting in a tree
K.I.double S.I.N.G
First comes love, then comes Filling
Then comes a Vespa with a 400Km range.
And now playing in random camp sites across SA and WA - "Jerry and the Tents"
Marica is slowly learning, she did her own tent last night with no help or guidance, and it is only the second time we have used them. Sandra is so proud of her big sister..
Arrived in Port Augusta, with no dramas or interesting event, just how we like it, we did manage to see a flock of camels, and a lone Falcon being exercised by its handler, and 2 very long trains. The scenery was so exciting that Sandra counted the carriages whilst riding past it. It was 80 carriages long.....
Whilst setting up our tents, Kay wandered past, and we started chatting, she is lovely, and said she was proud of us. We invited her out to dinner with us (we figured we should have 1 proper meal for the day), and the fact the there was beer, was not the only reason we went.
So Kay left her husband behind and we wandered off to the pub for dinner. The raging party animals that we all are, had us back to the campsite after dark (, not am) and off to bed by 8 to get ready for another day.
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