Sunday, 28 August 2016

28 August 2016

Left Norseman today, and had a very quiet and uneventful day.

It rained all day today, riding in the rain is not much fun.

We got to Esperence and we saw our first bit of sun, or so we thought. It went from sun to rain then back to sun and back to rain, and just as we were starting to dry off, it bucketed down with rain again.

We went to see the Pink Lake, which due to the amount of rain the area has experienced over the last few weeks, wasn't even pink, but a pale blue colour.

After this little bit of disappointment, we thought we would head off to Ravensthorpe, as the sky did look less grey in that direction, and we were hoping to get dry.

Our luck didn't follow us, as it bucketed down with rain, and would stop for a few minutes, and things would be looking good until it would start again. This continued all day, over and over and over again.

The last 200km to town, seemed like the longest stretch that we had ridden, even longer than the Nullabor.

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